145 lines
5.1 KiB
145 lines
5.1 KiB
' convert it with additional command line argument -DRELATIVE_INCLUDE="." to use locally
!include ./C4_Container.puml
' Colors
' ##################################
!global $NODE_FONT_COLOR = "#000000"
!global $NODE_BG_COLOR = "#FFFFFF"
!global $NODE_BORDER_COLOR = "#A2A2A2"
' Styling
' ##################################
' orig was without background
'UpdateElementStyle("node", $fontColor=$NODE_FONT_COLOR, $borderColor=$NODE_BORDER_COLOR)
UpdateElementStyle("node", $bgColor=$NODE_BG_COLOR, $fontColor=$NODE_FONT_COLOR, $borderColor=$NODE_BORDER_COLOR)
skinparam rectangle<<node>> {
FontStyle normal
' Layout
' ##################################
' comment if node should not be added to legend. No calculated legend extension required
' Line breaks
' ##################################
' PlantUML supports no automatic line breaks of "PlantUML containers" (C4 Deployment_Node is a "PlantUML container")
' therefore (Deployment_)Node() implements an automatic line break based on spaces (like in all other objects).
' If a $type contains \n then these are used (and no automatic space based line breaks are done)
' $NODE_TYPE_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH defines the automatic line break position
!unquoted function $breakNode($type, $widthStr)
!$width = %intval($widthStr)
!$multiLine = ""
!if (%strpos($type, "\n") >= 0)
!while (%strpos($type, "\n") >= 0)
!$brPos = %strpos($type, "\n")
!$multiLine = $multiLine + %substr($type, 0, $brPos) + '</size>\n<size:'+$TECHN_FONT_SIZE+'>'
!$type = %substr($type, $brPos+2)
!while (%strlen($type)>$width)
!$brPos = $width
!while ($brPos>0 && %substr($type, $brPos, 1)!= ' ')
!$brPos = $brPos - 1
!if ($brPos < 1)
!$brPos = %strpos($type, " ")
!if ($brPos > 0)
!$multiLine = $multiLine + %substr($type, 0, $brPos) + '</size>\n<size:'+$TECHN_FONT_SIZE+'>'
!$type = %substr($type, $brPos + 1)
!$multiLine = $multiLine+ $type
!$type = ""
!if (%strlen($type)>0)
!$multiLine = $multiLine + $type
!return $multiLine
' Elements
' ##################################
!function $getNode($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)
!$nodeText = ""
!if ($sprite != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '<$'+$sprite+'>\n'
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '==' + $label
!if ($type != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '\n<size:' + $TECHN_FONT_SIZE + '>[' + $breakNode($type, $NODE_TYPE_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH) + ']</size>'
!if ($descr != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '\n\n' + $breakDescr($descr, $NODE_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH)
!return $nodeText
!function $getNode_L($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)
!$nodeText = ""
!if ($sprite != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '<$'+$sprite+'>\l'
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '==' + $label
!if ($type != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '\l<size:' + $TECHN_FONT_SIZE + '>[' + $breakNode($type, $NODE_TYPE_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH) + ']</size>'
!if ($descr != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '\l\l' + $breakDescr($descr, $NODE_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH)
!return $nodeText
!function $getNode_R($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)
!$nodeText = ""
!if ($sprite != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '<$'+$sprite+'>\r'
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '==' + $label
!if ($type != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '\r<size:' + $TECHN_FONT_SIZE + '>[' + $breakNode($type, $NODE_TYPE_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH) + ']</size>'
!if ($descr != "")
!$nodeText = $nodeText + '\r\r' + $breakDescr($descr, $NODE_DESCR_MAX_CHAR_WIDTH)
!return $nodeText
!unquoted procedure Deployment_Node($alias, $label, $type="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
rectangle "$getNode($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)$getProps()" $toStereos("node",$tags) as $alias $getLink($link)
!unquoted procedure Deployment_Node_L($alias, $label, $type="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
rectangle "$getNode_L($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)$getProps_L()" $toStereos("node",$tags) as $alias $getLink($link)
!unquoted procedure Deployment_Node_R($alias, $label, $type="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
rectangle "$getNode_R($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)$getProps_R()" $toStereos("node",$tags) as $alias $getLink($link)
!unquoted procedure Node($alias, $label, $type="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
rectangle "$getNode($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)$getProps()" $toStereos("node",$tags) as $alias $getLink($link)
!unquoted procedure Node_L($alias, $label, $type="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
rectangle "$getNode_L($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)$getProps_L()" $toStereos("node",$tags) as $alias $getLink($link)
!unquoted procedure Node_R($alias, $label, $type="", $descr="", $sprite="", $tags="", $link="")
rectangle "$getNode_R($label, $type, $descr, $sprite)$getProps_R()" $toStereos("node",$tags) as $alias $getLink($link)