@startuml override-skin !include ./colors.puml ' uncomment the following line and comment the first to use locally '!include ./colors.puml skinparam wrapWidth 200 skinparam maxMessageSize 150 skinparam ComponentStyle uml2 skinparam Shadowing false skinparam Default { 'FontName "'Input Mono','Microsoft YaHei Mono',Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace" FontName "'Noto Sans SC', sans-serif" FontColor Black FontSize 14 FontStyle plain Shadowing false TextAlignment center BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Note { 'FontStyle bold BackgroundColor NOTE_BG_COLOR BorderColor NOTE_BORDER_COLOR BorderThickness 1 FontColor White Shadowing false TextAlignment left } skinparam Note<> { BackgroundColor NOTE_Q_BG_COLOR BorderColor NOTE_Q_BORDER_COLOR } skinparam Sequence { 'ArrowThickness 1 'ArrowColor Red ActorBorderThickness 1 LifeLineBorderColor GREEN ParticipantBorderThickness 0 Shadowing false 'GroupBodyBackgroundColor GroupBorderThickness 1 GroupBorderColor MD_BLUE_800 GroupBackgroundColor MD_BLUE_100 } skinparam Activity { StartColor Green EndColor Red AttributeFontColor white AttributeFontSize 15 AttributeFontname Droid Sans Mono BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_100 BorderColor MD_BLUE_200 BorderThickness 1 ArrowThickness 1 BarColor MD_BLUE_900 DiamondBackgroundColor MD_ORANGE_100 DiamondBorderColor MD_ORANGE_200 'DiamondFontColor 'DiamondFontName 'DiamondFontSize 'DiamondFontStyle 'FontColor 'FontName 'FontSize 'FontStyle } skinparam Class { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_BLUE_300 BorderThickness 1 'FontColor 'FontName 'FontSize 14 'FontStyle 'AttributeFontColor MD_DORANGE_A700 'AttributeFontName 'AttributeFontSize 'AttributeFontStyle 'AttributeIconSize 8 'HeaderBackgroundColor StereotypeFontColor DC_7 'StereotypeFontName StereotypeFontSize 14 'StereotypeFontStyle } skinparam Interface { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 'BorderThickness 'FontColor 'FontName FontSize 14 'FontStyle 'AttributeFontColor MD_DORANGE_A700 'AttributeFontName 'AttributeFontSize 'AttributeFontStyle 'AttributeIconSize 8 'HeaderBackgroundColor StereotypeFontColor DC_7 'StereotypeFontName StereotypeFontSize 1 'StereotypeFontStyle } skinparam Participant { BackgroundColor EL_BG_COLOR_800 BorderColor EL_BORDER_COLOR_800 FontColor White Shadowing false } skinparam Actor { BackgroundColor EL_BG_COLOR_800 BorderColor EL_BORDER_COLOR_800 Shadowing false } skinparam UseCase { BackgroundColor EL_BG_COLOR_300 BorderColor EL_BG_COLOR_300 Shadowing false 'BackgroundColor<
> YellowGreen 'BorderColor<
> YellowGreen 'FontColor White ArrowThickness 1 ArrowColor EL_BORDER_COLOR_800 ActorBackgroundColor EL_BG_COLOR_800 ActorBorderColor MD_BLUE_900 ActorShadowing false } skinparam State { 'FontColor MD_BLUE_600 FontSize 17 'AttributeFontColor MD_BLUE_300 AttributeFontSize 14 'AttributeFontname Droid Sans Mono BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_100 BorderColor MD_BLUE_200 StartColor Green EndColor Red } skinparam Partition { BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 BorderStyle dashed 'BackgroundColor BorderThickness 1 'FontColor 'FontName 'FontSize 'FontStyle } skinparam rectangle { StereotypeFontSize 12 shadowing false } skinparam database { StereotypeFontSize 12 shadowing false } skinparam Queue { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Agent { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Artifact { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Boundary { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Card { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Cloud { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Component { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Control { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Database { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Entity { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam File { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Folder { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Frame { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Node { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Package { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 'BorderStyle dashed } skinparam Stack { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Rectangle { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam Storage { BackgroundColor MD_BLUE_50 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 } skinparam rectangle<> { Shadowing false StereotypeFontSize 0 FontColor MD_GRAY_800 BorderColor MD_GRAY_800 BorderStyle dashed BackgroundColor White } @enduml